Form Lab

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Project Cubit

Reimagining the Desk

Form Lab is currently working on a project which is re-imagining the way users interact with their desks. The aim is to improve the workspace by enabling people to tailor there work surface to their specific needs. Through engaging with the community to find out exactly what people want from a desk, we hope to create a design which will evolve with the user and adapt to changing needs & technology.

Working from home is becoming more and more popular. Equally, living & office space is becoming smaller, especially in more populated cities. Project Cubit is aiming to create a modular worksurface which maximises space by adapting to the current task you are doing.

We started with research. As well as researching existing products, materials and the overall product market, we also spent a great amount of time researching and conceptualising different mechanisms and solutions for getting the core functionality of the desk to work. We considered a large range of solutions, and produced sketch concepts as well as large amounts of technical research to discover if these ideas would work. Alongside this research, we developed a series of sketch concepts to further develop the idea.

Current feedback from ongoing Project Cubit Survey

As part of the design process, we are also trying to build a community of individuals who are interested in the concept, and asking them to partake in feedback for the project. We achieve this through surveys, with the plan to have interviews with potential users further down the line, as well as provide prototype products to user’s to receive feedback. This helps us to ensure the products we are developing appeal to our target market.

We used our CADD expertise to develop a detailed model of the concept, in order to allow us to run simulations on the product using FEA to test the designs feasibility before prototyping, which can help save on time & costs. This process also allows us to use our Rendering knowledge to develop visual representations of what a final product may look like, further informing the design process.

We are currently working on building a community of people interested in the ideas behind project cubit. If you would like to take part feel free to head over to the Project Cubit website and register your interest, or even take part in our ongoing survey.